How technology affects business operations

Technology changes business every day at accelerating levels. All branches and business departments literally absorb new hardware and software, while the internet and intranets facilitate and accelerate business operations. Data has become a virtualization, the company’s target market and the purpose of continued global and business communication is currently based on media in an unprecedented degree.

Virtual database

Gone are pen data management pens and paper. The same fate seems to be waiting for a digital data base of an internal company whose role is taken over by cloud computing services such as Gmail or Google Documents. The internet is the most efficient tool from the current business when it comes to handling information. The more companies spread their data and run it fully in the cloud, which allows greater groups of employees to access, share, and edit them online from anywhere at any time. Apart from online storage, the internet also provides an opportunity to collect data. It facilitates and accelerates the collection of business intelligence in competitors, conducts research on market demands and looks for new clients.

Global marketing and e-commerce

Another use of technology in business is the application of online solutions in marketing and sales. For the company it means trying their target market. Their clients and partners, on the other hand, enjoy increasing service availability. E-commerce, online advertising and customer service have made international businesses, providing outreach around the world for brands such as Amazon or Microsoft. In addition, social media marketing raises viral marketing tactics and comes to form a very efficient means for corporate promotion and products.

High technology communication

Business communication is another aspect that has been revolutionized by the progress of social media and other technologies. While cellphones, emails, and PDAs have become a basic tool for communicating well with clients and distance colleagues, fast transportation opportunities and online conferences make it possible to meet business partners from all over the world, physically or virtual. Top-down and horizontal communication between employees is largely facilitated by intranet technology. Their main function is to streamline workflows, achieved by providing more accurate and individual information workers and carrying out their concentration on strategic goals. Finally, The Social CRM allows companies to manage and maintain relationships with their clients, making them remain cutting-edge with company offers and building relationships.

Business technology trap

Technology solutions ensure a tremendous increase in access and speed of all business operations, eliminating physical and geographical barriers to market development. However, together with this benefit, a number of concerns about the implementation of business technology appeared. Security problems are at stake because computers can be hacked and data stored in the cloud and the company’s database is susceptible to theft. Furthermore, the use of high-tech requires a sustainable request to update expensive software and hardware. Finally, everywhere communication device and the need to remain constantly related can cause employee frustration and a sense of their trap with technology.